You’re Pregnant Heather – Part Two

I remember showing everyone my scan pictures for the first time. What an amazing feeling, I honestly don’t think that grin left my face all day! Everyone was so “wooow” and so “arrr” over it, and it’s amazing how many people wanted a copy! I honestly can’t believe the price of scans these days!  I spend £15 and still needed more… WARNING TO ALL EXPECTANT MOTHERS… YOU CAN NEVER.. EVER.. HAVE ENOUGH SCAN PICTURES!!

After all the excitement of the scan, it’s hard to say what came next?  But I do know that suddenly out of nowhere I had a love for ice cream, particularly Vienetta.  Food has always been a big love of mine, although ice cream never bothered me, not until this stage of my pregnancy.  I wanted it ALL the time!  Yet, sadly my passion for a decent curry had to be kept under wraps, the spicier the food the sicker I was (and still am at 22 weeks pregnant)!

This brings me to my Christmas and what a joy it was!  I get very excited at the concept of Santa coming to visit and had pre-warned my partner that I WOULD be getting up early!  Little did I know that baby would wake me earlier that I expected!  At 5 o’clock and with the fluttering of tiny movements which I’d been feeling for about a week (at this point Mark couldn’t feel them yet as they were not strong enough).  I was so excited I had to go and be sick! Armed with only my brew and biscuit I got through present opening with success!  No need for the sick bowl after all!

Christmas dinner was a right treat!  I have to say people love the excuse “I can eat, it is Christmas” but when your pregnant, its even more indulgent!  I even recall waiting 2 hours for a take away to arrive one night from our local Chinese with the attitude “you drink, I’ll eat!”  Wow what a feast I had!!

This then brings me to my biggest scare, Boxing Day.  The joys of sitting in A&E for 7 and a half hours! It started around mid-night when I got a pain low down to the right hand side of my groin, so sharp it took my breath away.  Was it an eptopic pregnancy?  Was I in labour at just over 20 weeks?  At first they were worried that I had appendicitis, but.. No, turns out my pelvis was moving down and stretching my tendons to accommodate for the baby!  I was sent home with just the knowledge of knowing that I could take painkillers.  Needless to say I slept all day and the pain never returned.  Now who feels like a drama queen?

4th January was a very happy and memorable day.  Time for my 20 week scan.  The Sonographer, all serious and concentrating to the best of her ability as Mark and my self make funny noises looking at the screen.  She points out the various bits and pieces, the heart and the heart’s beat, the brain, the spine and the kidneys, and then the limbs.  Given the seriousness of it having the vital, heart and brain etc, Mark then says “Thank God it has two arms and two legs!” aren’t men daft!  It is at this point I ask the sonographer if she can tell what sex our little “Flump” is……. It’s A GIRL!

By Heather Marie Griffin

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