Fist full of vouchers waiting to be spent!

Have you ever put your Tesco club card vouchers in such a safe place that you couldn’t find them and thought them lost forever?

If in the last two years you think you might have lost your club card vouchers then pop along to the Tesco club card website and there you will find a section where you can check to see if you have any in date unused vouchers.

Once you’ve logged into your club card account, click on the Go To My Clubcard Account button, then on the left hand side menu choose Your Vouchers. In this section you can review a breakdown of the vouchers you have been sent, keep a track of which ones have been used, review those you still have to spend and replace those that have been lost.

find your lost clubcard vouchers

Next to any lost vouchers / unused vouchers it will lists the ecode next to them. You can either use the clubcard vouchers code as normal for online shopping, exchange and double your money for a clubcard deals or request reprints of vouchers to spend / exchange in store, however please bear in mind that they may not be reprinted in time for Christmas.

So what are you waiting for, nip along to the clubcard website and see if you have a fist full of vouchers waiting to be spent!!

Children’s Classic Television programmes

Camberwick Green, Trumpton and Chigley are all classic children’s television programmes that were produced in the late 1960s using puppets; they were targeted at infants of pre-school age.

Each episode tells a story of the residents every day activities.

Camberwick Green:
The complete collection, all 13 episodes digitally restored.
Narrated by Brian Cant and 1st transmitted in 1966 by the BBC.

Includes bonus extras:
Trumptonshire Art Gallery
Trailer Gallery – includes Chiggley preview

Running time: 3 hours 16 minutes

“Here’s a box, a musical box, wound up and ready to play.
But this box can hide a secret inside!
Can you guess what is in it today?”

Windy Miller cordially invites you to join him and the rest of the Camberwick Green village folk in Gordon Murray’s timeless classic.  Lovingly restored for DVD using a blend of state-of-the-art technologies, this is a piece of British animation heritage not to be missed.

All 13 episode of Camberwick Green

You can pick up a copy of this DVD for just £2 from Asda while stocks last.

I will be looking for the complete works of “The Herbs & Parsley The Lion” on DVD at the lowest price possible, so watch this space.

Thrifty Thursday brought to you by Prem2Pram the online premature baby clothes store, visit us at

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DIY – Homemade Baby Wipes

We use an awful lot of baby wipes in our house and being part of an environmentally conscious family I have decided to make our own. I would have made washable wipes if there had been any suitable spare material in my stash, however as there isn’t I will be using the everyday items I do have to hand.  I will be recycling a 2 in 1 washing tablet container, however you can use any suitable container you have around the house.

Materials required:

Paper Towels: these must be the Plenty brand previously known as Bounty
Baby Wash or Baby bath Lotion
Cutting board
Serrated knife
Measuring cup
Table measuring spoon
Plastic tub with sealable lid

Materials required to make your own baby wipes

Cutting the paper towel roll in halfPlace the paper towel roll on the cutting board and carefully cut it in half

Baby wash

Bring water and baby wsh to the boilMeasure two cups of water and two tablespoons of baby wash into a saucepan; bring this solution to the boil

Remove centre rollAfter a few seconds the cardboard in the middle will soften and you can pull it out

Centre of baby wipesPull the first baby wipe up slightly from the centre of the roll and hey presto you now have a container of homemade baby wipes.

Please note: Since writing the above article it has come to light that many well known baby products contain cancer causing chemicals, therefore we can not recommend Johnson’s Baby Bath be used when making your own baby wipes.

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